Sunday, June 13, 2010

Rhino Mocks moving to the AAA syntax

Having looked at how I should write my unit tests, I've started to move to the AAA syntax (Arrange, Act, Assert). I found it quite hard (me being stupid) to find a before and after example - so here's my before and after...

// Art of unit testing (7.3.1 naming unit tests)
  //  name of method being tested _ scenario being tested _ the expected behaviour
  //  MethodUnderTest_Scenario_Behaviour
  public void CreateParser_WellKnownDataset_PostsNodesToReciever()
   MockRepository mocks = new MockRepository();
   IParsedReceiver receiver = mocks.StrictMock<IParsedReceiver>();

   using (mocks.Record())

   Parser parser = Manager.CreateParser(receiver, @"..\..\ParseData\OsmTestData.xml");


and using the 3.5 Arrange, Act, Assert approach:

// Art of unit testing (7.3.1 naming unit tests)
  //  name of method being tested _ scenario being tested _ the expected behaviour
  //  MethodUnderTest_Scenario_Behaviour
  public void CreateParser_WellKnownDataset_PostsNodesToReciever_AsStub()
   // arrange
   IParsedReceiver receiver = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IParsedReceiver>();

   // act
   Parser parser = Manager.CreateParser(receiver, @"..\..\ParseData\OsmTestData.xml");
   // assert
   receiver.AssertWasCalled(c => c.AcceptNode(null), options => options.Repeat.Times(14).IgnoreArguments());

which has the nice side effect of being less code as well!

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