Saturday, November 19, 2011

Sutton with analytics

Sutton: a website to test performance & seo has not reach #1 yet :-)

The next stage is to get more information about visits, before adding google analytics the page performed something like this:

Document CompleteFully Loaded
Load TimeFirst ByteStart RenderDOM ElementsTimeRequestsBytes InTimeRequestsBytes In
First View0.355s0.321s0.383s310.355s13 KB0.597s38 KB
Repeat View0.279s0.240s0.259s310.279s13 KB0.290s23 KB

After adding it looked performed like this:

Document CompleteFully Loaded
Load TimeFirst ByteStart RenderDOM ElementsTimeRequestsBytes InTimeRequestsBytes In
First View0.364s0.331s0.393s360.364s216 KB0.687s522 KB
Repeat View0.338s0.225s0.369s360.338s24 KB0.498s34 KB

Overall its looks ok (a few extra KB - hopefully that users have already loaded from visiting other sites), however the repeat view time has crept up by nearly 0.200s, something that is not too surprising with the need to force the client to fetch a non-cacheable tracking image (GET /__utm.gif?...).

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