Thursday, January 3, 2013

Xenon website

One thing I'm adopting from the start is to release as often as possible, even if its not even MVP.

So the first step is to get a base website up. is the holding location, to make this work I've done a few things:
  • Used Git for source control (with GitHub)
  • Vim for editing
  • S3 for static site hosting
  • DYN for DNS (as nameservers are DYN)
  • Used to create a favicon (to stop 404 errors)
Disclosure: I work for Amazon Web Services, this blog however is personal and does not reflect my employer's views. I will be using AWS services as I know them well (and used them before working at AWS).

Generally I'm planning to build most of the code myself, rather than relying on libraries etc - this will change as I need to focus on the core concepts.

I will also be keeping track of the page performance, so the base website benchmarks at
  • Load: 0.7s, TTFB: 0.29s, Start Render: 0.57s, Doc Complete: 0.7s, Fully Loaded: 0.7s
Next steps will be to put in place a CDN (CloudFront) to reduce global latency, and switch to Route 53 for DNS hosting. These two changes will also enable a slightly different approach to building websites, a mainly static website which is enriched with dynamic content.

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